Monthly Calendar

Sabbath School Lesson - Faithlessness: A Sign of the End

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Faithlessness: A Sign of the End

Faithlessness: A Sign of the End

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 11:09 AM PST

Read Luke 18:8. What is implied in Jesus' question here?

This passage talks about a widow who was persistent with
her request toward an unjust judge. Even though the judge
was unjust because of her persistence the Judge granted
the request of the woman.

Jesus acknowledges that we should always pray in this
manor, but His question implies that there will be a
shortage of these types of prayers when Jesus comes

From Jesus' statement we understand that in the last
days there will not be many people praying, and exhibiting
a belligerent unrelenting faith as this woman so wonderfully

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5. What is the first characteristic found there? How do we find it so overtly manifested today?

The bible declares that in the last day men will be lovers of
themselves. People are concerned with making money, and
fulfilling their own desires to the exclusion of what God wants
for their life and to the exclusion of helping other people.

There is an extreme lack of Love for what God really wants and
what pleases God. Self has become the God of the age and men
and women forget that God is the creator and that He is the
one that sustains our lives.

How have the mass media contributed to the unfaithfulness even among church members? Be honest with yourself: How has it affected your thinking? Try to step back and ask yourself, How might the things I read, watch, and listen to be negatively affecting my own faithfulness to God?

The media paints a picture of life that is centered around
ourselves rather than others. Our fidelity to one another
is only encouraged to the extent in which that fidelity
will benefit us personally.

The things that we view will weaken our desire to devote
time and attention to spiritual things , and thus
affect our connection to God which makes it difficult to
be faithful to God.

The senses are what God uses to communicate to to us
and pour into us His Spirit. We must keep these
channels open and clear so that God may speak to us.

: Father we know that in the last days there will be a lack of faith and a lack of love for God and for others. Father I pray that we will be found among the faithful. Father please help us to devote time to connecting with you so that we may understand your will for our lives. Thank you Father in Jesus name amen.


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