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Top 10 It Is Written Episodes of 2020 📺

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Top 10 It Is Written Episodes of 2020

Happy New Year to you, Friend. I hope 2021 has brought blessings your way. These are challenging times for our country, but as believers, we take heart that Jesus said, "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28). There's no question what we're witnessing today speaks to a much larger drama unfolding before our eyes. 

Although the COVID-19 pandemic shut down travel for most of 2020, It Is Written was still able to conduct online evangelism, create new faith-building resources, and produce new and uplifting Christian television programming. We thank God that He used the ministry of It Is Written to reach thousands across the globe! 

Here's a look back at the 10 most popular It Is Written episodes from 2020, based on YouTube and broadcast viewership info. 

You can read more about each episode on our blog by clicking the button below. To watch an episode, click on its title or image.

Jump to the bottom of the email for our special New Year's program, "The Promise You Can Never Keep."
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#1 Black Wall Street
#2 500: The Reformation
#3 Great Chapters of the Bible: Matthew 24
#4 The Trail of Tears
#5 David and Goliath
#6 The Scottsboro Nine
#7 Great Chapters of the Bible: Revelation 14
#8 Great Chapters of the Bible: Hebrews 11
#9 "I Shall Return"
#10 Health Care God's Way

The Promise You Can Never Keep

Everyone knows the vast majority of New Year's resolutions are never kept. In the same way, promises made to God are destined to be broken. But there is a way to live the life God wants you to live, and it has everything to do with promises. Join me for "The Promise You Can Never Keep," and discover a power that will never let you down.

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