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πŸ’ Merry Christmas from It Is Written!

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from It Is Written! 

Hi Friend,

Although this has been a challenging year for us all, my family and I send you our warmest wishes for God's richest blessings this Christmas season and in the year ahead. We pray that the presence and peace of Jesus will always be yours.

In Matthew 2, there is a searching question asked. The wise men have come from the East on a mission, and they want to know, "Where is He that is born the King of the Jews?" What a question! 

Click here or the button below to watch a special Christmas video from me on the answer to this question.
Watch Christmas Greeting

Special Episode: Unwrap My Heart πŸ’

The wise men famously traveled from afar to bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Messiah. It may not seem likely, but there's a gift that you can give God which is just as precious. Join me and guest musicians for "Unwrap My Heart," in celebration of that special night when God worked through Mary to give humanity the greatest gift of all.

Watch trailer »
Watch episode »

Christmas Mobile Wallpapers

Update your computer, tablet, or phone background with one of our inspirational mobile wallpapers—featuring five Christmas options. These are also great for sharing online!

View Christmas wallpapers »
View all wallpapers »

Thank you for remembering It Is Written in your year-end giving. To make a gift, call 1-844-WRITTEN or click here. »
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