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What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You about Type 2 Diabetes

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Free Online Diabetes Seminar, June 23-28

According to the CDC, "More than 100 million U.S. adults are now living with diabetes or prediabetes…" This is an astounding figure representing almost 1 in 3 Americans!

But the medical community and the American Diabetes Association would have you believe that diabetes type 2 is a lifelong disease. Once you get it, you have it for life. In fact, diabetes is a serious disease that is most often managed through the use of insulin and other medications to control blood sugar levels. People with diabetes are at increased risk of serious health complications including premature death, vision loss, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and amputation.

However, recent, large-scale, peer-reviewed, medical studies are clearly showing that the conventional thinking about diabetes type 2 is wrong. You can reverse diabetes type 2 in most cases by changing the very things in your lifestyle that caused the disease in the first place.

So how do you do it? What do you change? How does one make sense of all the different diets? Diabetes Undone helps make sense of it all and shows you step-by-step, how to transform your life and reverse diabetes forever.

You won't find anything like this in the bookstore or on the internet. Plenty of documentaries, books, and blogs reveal that this is possible, but very few show you how to do it step-by-step. Diabetes Undone shows you how and why your diabetes can be undone!

Reserve your FREE SPOT to watch the entire course for free!

What have you got to lose? Make sense of it all and take the steps that will transform your health today!

In partnership with Life and Health, It Is Written is promoting the Diabetes Undone seminar, available for FREE for a limited time online, starting June 23.
Check It Out

From the desk of John Bradshaw 

Every week, our It Is Written staff pray together for requests that come in to the ministry. With the exception of health concerns, the most common prayer request we receive is, "Please pray for my children." Literally every day people tell us, "My children have left the church," or "My children or grandchildren have wandered from God." 

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This week's program

Overcoming Obesity
The Bible encourages us to take our health seriously, and obesity is an issue that affects many Americans. How can we overcome this disorder with Jesus? Join Dr. David DeRose and Pastor John Bradshaw as they discuss practical, Bible-based health principles.

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