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The Heavens Declare

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 04:16 PM PST

201_01_0048_NatureCreationBkg"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language,where their voice is not heard" (Ps. 19:1–3, see also Rom. 1:19, 20). How have you experienced the truth of these texts? How has modern science helped us to even more appreciate the power and wisdom of God as Creator?

As modern science plummets into the complexity of creation each unfolding discovery reveals the hand of a Master Designer. Nature is a voice which God uses to communicate who He is and reveal His character to His people. While nature does not have a literal voice it speaks to us each and every single day. One day while contemplating the tree of life I looked out my window to see a tree stripped and barren by the winter season. I realized that this lifeless tree represented a creation that has been marred by sin. The change in season and the dropping of the leaves are all as a result of the sin of humanity. These and many lessons are available in the book of nature. The book of nature is so powerful, that God will declare that no one is without excuse in the Judgment because even if they did not know of God, His creation declared who He was (Romans 1:20).

Prayer : Lord God Almighty we thank You for all that You have created. Help us to read Your book of nature. Teach us how to read Your book of nature. Thank You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

In the beginning

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 04:09 PM PST


Read Hebrews 11:3. What does this verse tell us about God and the creation of the universe?

I remember when I was a kid I loved to build. I would build with Lego’s, I would take apart toys an try to make other things out of them. I think it was something in my blood that drove me to create. The thing about the way I created is that I always had to have something in my hands to create with. As children of God, we are created in His image. When I want to create things I am simply showing I am like my heavenly Father. The biggest difference is that when God created He just spoke it into existence. "The worlds were prepared by the word of God" (NASB). In order to believe that God did this we must have Faith. Our faith is what helps us to understand this concept because we can not see what God used to create the worlds.

Why is a supernatural Creator, One who exists above and beyond the Creation, the only logical explanation for the Creation? Bring your answer to class on Sabbath.

When I sit down to a nice home cooked meal, the smell wafts up my nostrils, and my taste buds seem like its dripping. When I take a bite and its delicious I know someone knew what they were doing. Behind every good meal there is a good cook. What if someone told me that the food made it’s self. The ingredients sat in the the kitchen for a week and the gradually began to drift toward each other and cling and form into what I just ate. I would think that it was pretty cool, it would require faith. For me the more logical explanation is that someone made the food rather than that the food made itself. In the same way to explain the creation by a supernatural Creator makes more sense than saying the world created it’s self over time.

Prayer: Lord of all creation, with faith we recognize you as our Creator. Thank You for Your benevolence and mercy. Thank You. In Jesus’ name


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