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Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

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Governance of the Church

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 08:43 AM PST

Look at Acts 15:1–29. What can we learn from these verses about some key principles that are involved in church organization and governance?

Has there ever been a disagreement in your church? Do you think that the first church was perfect? Well… you are wrong. The early church had problems just like your church. The key is not having a problem free church but a church which is will to work through those problems.  From this passage we see a dispute arose from some for Judea concerning Gentile converts.  Those from Judea were teaching that in order to be saved the Gentiles had to keep the laws of Moses.

Instead of Paul fighting with those from Jude’s the decided to take the dispute to a counsel. The first principle we see here is that we should take counsel with the body of believers  When there is a dispute in the church there should be a body people who come together to resolve that issue. When the Church came together they reported the issue at hand so that everyone was on the same page. Also we see that the scriptures played an important role in governing the conversation of the church. The church used the scriptures as a basis for what should and should not be done. The church also relied upon the interpretation of the scriptures to determine a resolution. The church had to be adaptable to the changing situation. Governance of the church should not be so rigid that it keeps out those who want to be saved.

Consider Matthew 20:24–28 and 23:8. What implication is there for the exercise of authority in the church at all levels?

In this passage we see that there was a dispute about authority. Jesus comes and turns things on its head. Jesus says that we are not to be like the world in ruling over people. If we desire to be great we are to be servants. When it comes to authority in the church it means the greater the position the greater servant you must be.

How willing are you to serve others? Think deeply about your own motives and what they are in regard to what you do in the church, regardless of whatever position you might hold. What are these motives, and how can they be more in harmony with the principles revealed in the Word?

God has given us all gifts which can be used in his church. We should be willing to use our gifts for him with or without a title.

Prayer: lord help us to be servants as you were. Thank you in Jesus name amen.

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