Read Matthew 28:19-20. How does it address the issue of the church's mission?
The mission of the Church is outlined very clearly in this passage. The first word that Jesus says is go! He does not say stay, sit, argue, fight. Jesus says go, He says go therefore. In the light of the resurrection and the cross we are to therefore go. Because of what Jesus Christ has done for us we must go and fulfill the great commission.The mission of the Church is three fold. Make disciples, baptize , and teach. Furthermore the mission of the Church is to all nations, kindred tongue and people. It does not get any simpler than this. As we go we are promised the Jesus will be with us every step of the way. What are we waiting for?
What do the following texts also teach us about the church's mission? Eph. 4:11-13, Matt. 10:5-8, James 1:27, Eph. 1:6, and 1 Pet. 2:9.
God has given the church a specific mission. In order to complete that mission He has placed gifted people in the Body of Christ. The spiritual gifts are for the purpose of equipping each member to fulfill the mission of the Church. The end result of this work is a Church which is purified, a world who is evangelized, and a God who is glorified! We have a specific purpose on this earth and we must stay focused and with the help of God, and the church members we can fulfill our individual and corporate mission.
How involved are you in the mission of the church? In what way could you do more than you are doing? Why is it important for your own spiritual growth to be involved in the church's calling?
It is important that we find our unique fit in the mission of the church. We should not be discouraged with what someone else is doing. When we are faithful to our responsibilities we are still fulfilling the mission of the Church.
Prayer: Lord God almighty help us to do our part in the work of evangelizing the world. Thank you. In Jesus name amen.

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