The word ecclesia indicates, in general terms, a group of people called out through God's initiative. How does this explain Paul's use of the word at three different levels: (i) the church in individual homes (Rom. 16:5, 1 Cor. 16:19); (ii) the church in specific cities (1 Cor. 1:2, Gal. 1:2); and (iii) the church in larger geographical areas (Acts 9:31).
How do you understand the question; What is the Church? Is the Church a place that you go to? Is church something that you do? Is Church something that you are? The way that you answer this question determines how you will think about Church. The church is made up of people who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The nature of the Church is determined by the foundation upon which it rests, Jesus Christ.
It is of utmost importance that we keep into focus what Church is all about. Just because we assemble together in a physical building it does not mean that we are the Church. The Church has no walls. Why do you gather in the physical building of your Church? What is going through your mind as you enter into that physical building? If your “Church” is keeping you away from Church maybe it is time to stop going to Church and start being the Church.
No matter where we are we can be God’s Church. Paul’s different use of the word ecclesia demonstrates that church is not just limited to one specific meeting place. The Church is not contained in four walls. Church takes place when those who believe upon Jesus Christ come together. What I am saying does not negate the organized church, it calls into question the motive behind what we do. Is Jesus at the center of your Church?
Think about your local church, which functions as a representative of God's whole church. What kind of responsibilities does that place on you as part of the church body and on the local church itself?
The local Church has the opportunity to impact the world in a way that no other organization does. The Church is the vehicle which God uses to change the world. Do you recognize your calling? God help us all!
Prayer: Father forgive us for what we have made of Your Church. Take our politics and replace it with your patience, take our pride-fullness and replace it with prayerfulness. Lord God Almighty help us to represent You to the world. In Jesus name Amen.

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