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Sabbath School Lesson

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Sabbath School Lesson

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Lesson Summary Week 5

Posted: 03 Aug 2012 11:11 AM PDT

Further Study: "No matter how high the profession, he whose heart is not filled with love for God and his fellow men is not a true disciple of Christ. . . . He might display great liberality; but should he, from some other motive than genuine love, bestow all his goods to feed the poor, the act would not commend him to the favor of God."-Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 318, 319.

"While Paul was careful to set before his converts the plain teaching of Scripture regarding the proper support of the work of God, . . . at various times during his ministry in the great centers of civilization, he wrought at a handicraft for his own maintenance. . . .

"It is at Thessalonica that we first read of Paul's working with his hands in self-supporting labor while preaching the word[1 Thess. 2:692 Thess. 3:89]. . . .

"But Paul did not regard as lost the time thus spent. . . . He gave his fellow workers instruction in spiritual things, and he also set an example of industry and thoroughness. He was a quick, skillful worker, diligent in business, 'fervent in spirit, serving the Lord' (Rom. 12:11)."-Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers, pp. 234-236.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Think about a painful time that you have endured (physically, spiritually, emotionally, or some mixture of them all). In practical terms, how does someone find joy or courage in the midst of such suffering? Why is finding that joy and courage so much easier said than done?
  2. Think about someone whose life clearly did not reflect the claims to be a Christian. How did that person impact your own walk with the Lord?
  3. What are the pitfalls in becoming emotionally attached to people with whom you are sharing the gospel? How does one set appropriate boundaries for the relationships that develop whenever you work closely with other people?

Summary: In this passage Paul opened his heart to reveal the truest motives for ministry. The ultimate motive is to please God, whether or not those we minister to are pleased. Motivations of money, sex, and power have no place in a heart determined to please God. The next most important motive for ministry is heartfelt love for the lost. Both of these motives are clearly expressed in 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12.

Caring Deeply

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 06:52 AM PDT

In 1 Thessalonians 2:4, Paul's primary motivation for ministry is to please God. What additional motivation does Paul bring up in the verses that follow? See 1 Thess. 2:6-8.

This was remarkable for me because the text says that the Thessalonians were dear to them. Paul was motivated in ministry because he actually cared for those whom he ministered. Compassion is not something which can be manufactured, it is a gift that God has given to us all. When we nurture our compassion God can help us to be more compassionate. In a world where people are often treated less then human, there is a need for people who are loving and caring. When you being to love and care and have the compassion of Christ you will see a transformation in your ministries.

How did the churches of Macedonia, of which Thessalonica was a part, respond to the tenderness of the apostles? See 2 Cor. 8:1-5. What does this teach us about the importance of character in the lives of those who witness to others?

The Apostles developed a connection with those they ministered to, and they were giving to them. This is something that we can not overlook in ministry. We have to learn how to connect with people and when we are caring deeply our ministry will become more effective. This is something that only God can do for us.

Prayer: Father help us to be the a church which has true compassion. Thank you in Jesus name Amen.


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