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Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Further Study: Lesson Summary Week 4

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 09:39 AM PDT

FRIDAY April 27

Further Study:


Discover where your ministry fits into your church's overall plans.


While most local church departments may have a well-organized program and be quite busy, the chances are that those involved in each department may not know much about what is happening in other areas of church life. Furthermore, there may not be an overall church evangelistic plan of which each department group is aware and, therefore, can contribute toward. For the purposes of encouragement, support, and effective evaluation, it is best that your evangelism and witnessing ministry be a part of an overall church strategy. To achieve this, the following suggestions are important:

  1. Meet with your pastor, elders, or evangelism leaders to understand what, if any, evangelism and witnessing goals are in place and what strategies are being followed to reach these goals. Remember, you are trying to discover where your chosen evangelism and witnessing activities will fit with the church's plans and help to reach their goals.
  2. You may discover that although there is much evangelistic activity in your church, there are no documented goals or strategies. If this is the case, then request a meeting with the pastor, elders, or evangelism leaders, and ask them what their personal goals for evangelism are. Take some notes during your discussions. You are building up a picture of your leadership's evangelistic vision that will help to suggest goals and ways of reaching others.
  3. At this stage you may decide to join with an already established evangelistic ministry. If, however, your chosen ministry is in a new area of evangelism or witnessing, you will need to gather a small group of people who share your vision. Document your goals and the strategies you will employ to reach those goals.  Notes

Discussion Questions:

   1  "Too often the influence of the sermon preached from the pulpit is counteracted by the sermon preached in the lives of those who claim to be advocates of truth."—Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 21. What kind of witness does your life, as opposed to your words or profession, reveal?  Notes  2  Think about your church as a whole. How integrated into the community is it? If your church vanished tomorrow, how much difference to the community would that make? Would it make any difference at all?  Notes

Widening Your Friendship Circle

Posted: 26 Apr 2012 08:36 AM PDT

Examine closely John 17:11–19. What do these verses reveal about the Christian's place in the world? See also Col. 4:2–6.

We have a closeness to the world while we have a distance from the world. Jesus has sent us into the world in order that His message may spread to all. Our distance from the world is that we are not to pattern ourselves after the world. We must remember that we are to pattern oursleves after our heavenly kingdom and not the earthly kingdom.

Look at yourself: do you tend to be too insular, too remote from the world? Or, perhaps, are you too cozy with the world? How can you better learn to be in the world (and thus witness to others) and yet not be "of it"?

I am in the greater danger of being insular. I would say this is a challenge for me , how do I remain connected to minister and sepreate and the same time. I belive this challenging dynamic is what christianity is about. I belive that by keeping out eyes on Jesus He will help us to balance this all out. He is the one who keeps us from all hurt, harm , and danger.

Prayer: Lord God almigty, Thank you very much for all you have done for us. If we are too seprate from the world draw us closer, if we are too close push us away. Lord, please balance us as we focus on Jesus. In Jesus name amen.


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