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Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 05:42 PM PDT


FRIDAY October 14

Further Study:

For further study on the issue of unity and diversity in the church, read Ellen G. White, "Investigation of New Light," pp. 45, 47, in Counsels to Writers and Editors; "An Explanation of Early Statements," p. 75, in Selected Messages, book 1; "Tactfulness," pp. 117–119, in Gospel Workers; and "Manuscript Release 898," pp. 1092, 1093, in 1888 Materials, vol. 3.


"Even the best of men, if left to themselves, will make grave blunders. The more responsibilities placed upon the human agent, the higher his position to dictate and control, the more mischief he is sure to do in perverting minds and hearts if he does not carefully follow the way of the Lord. At Antioch Peter failed in the principles of integrity. Paul had to withstand his subverting influence face to face. This is recorded that others may profit by it, and that the lesson may be a solemn warning to the men in high places, that they may not fail in integrity, but keep close to principle."—Ellen G. White Comments,The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6, p. 1108.  notese Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel

Discussion Questions:

 gdq1 Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel  Very few people enjoy confrontation, but sometimes it is necessary. In what circumstances should a church condemn error and discipline those who refuse to accept correction? notese Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel gdq2 Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel As the Seventh-day Adventist Church grows around the world, it becomes more and more diverse at the same time. What steps can the church take to make sure that unity is not lost in the midst of such diversity? How can we learn to accept and even enjoy the diversity of cultures and traditions among us, while at the same time maintaining unity? notese Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel

gdq3 Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel When sharing the gospel in a different culture, what are the essential elements that should not change, and what can be changed? How do we learn to distinguish between what must remain and what we can, if necessary, let go of? notese Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel


 The insistence by some Jewish Christians that Gentiles must be circumcised in order to become true followers of Christ posed a serious threat to the unity of the early church. Instead of letting this issue divide the church into two different movements, the apostles worked together, in spite of conflicts among themselves, to ensure that the body of Christ stayed united and faithful to the truth of the gospel. notese Further Study : The Unity of the Gospel

I would like more information on Galatians

Related posts:

  1. The Importance of Unity
  2. Unity in Diversity
  3. Unity in Redemption

Paul’s Concern

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 05:10 PM PDT

peter 150x150 Paul's Concern

What reasons does Paul give for publicly confronting Peter? Gal. 2:11–14.

Paul confronts Peter because he is not practicing the truth of the Gospel. The truth of the gospel declares that Jews and Gentiles are equals. When Peter alienates Gentiles from table-fellowship he demonstrates that he does not believe the truth of the gospel. Paul questions how can Peter compel gentiles to follow a gospel that he preaches when he behaves in opposition to that gospel. Paul demonstrates exactly how hypocritical Peters actions are.

Read Galatians 3:28 and Colossians 3:11. How does the truth in these texts help us understand Paul's strong reaction?

These passages bring out very clearly why Paul had every reason to confront Peter. I wonder what are the implications for the things that I do and , do my actions make void the gospel I preach? I pray wisdom and strength to live authentically.

As if Peter's actions weren't bad enough, Barnabas got caught up in this behavior, as well—someone who also should have known better. What a clear example of the power of "peer pressure"! How can we learn to protect ourselves from being swayed in the wrong direction by those around us?

This is the way the Devil attacks us. The Devil compromises our trusted relationships and because of the bond that we have with those individuals we follow them hook line and sinker. We must not stand on the example of none other than Jesus and His word. While we should lead exemplary lives we must also test all things according to the scriptures.(1 thes 5:21)

Prayer:  Father help us to preach the gospel , and most importantly live the gospel, In Jesus name amen.

I would like more information on the book of Galatians.

Related posts:

  1. Paul's Gospel
  2. The Galatian Heresy
  3. Confrontation in Antioch

Confrontation in Antioch

Posted: 12 Oct 2011 12:24 PM PDT

balaam 150x150 Confrontation in Antioch Why should Peter have known better? Compare Gal. 2:11–13 and Acts 10:28. What does his action tell us about just how powerfully ingrained culture and tradition can be in our lives?

Peter should have known better because in Christ we experience a regeneration which makes us unified through him. The problem with Peter is that he was partial in his treatment of the gentiles. When peters friends were not around he sat with the gentiles but when his friends came he would not sit with the gentiles. Even though Peter knew better , this was something that he practiced all his life. Peter eventually learned the lesson that he should call no man common or unclean.

Why is it so easy to be a hypocrite? (Isn't it, perhaps, that we tend to blind ourselves to our own faults while eagerly looking for faults in others?) What kind of hypocrisy do you find in your own life? More important, how can you recognize it and then root it out?

When there are things that we know we should do we often tend to avoid them. The funny thing is when things are flipped with another person then we condemn them even though we do the same thing. It is very easy to point the finger but in the same instance there are three other fingers pointing back at us.

Prayer : Father please help us to be less hypocritical , and judgmental , and more loving and authentic, I Jesus name amen.

I would like more information about Galatians.

Related posts:

  1. Ethnicity and Discipleship: The Antioch Church
  2. Unnatural Confrontation
  3. A Pillar of Mission The Apostle Peter: Growing in Grace


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