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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

No Other Gospel

Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:51 AM PDT

preaching 150x150 No Other Gospel

What normally follows the opening greeting in Paul's letters? How is Galatians different? Compare Gal. 1:6 with Rom. 1:8, 1 Cor. 1:4, Phil. 1:3, and 1 Thess. 1:2

When we look at the other epistles of Paul we see that he gives a blessing directly after the greeting in his epistles.The difference in this book is that he gives a statement of astonishment because of the problem they were dealing with. The problem the Galatians were facing was of such a magnitude that Paul had to address it as soon as possible in his epistle.

What occurred in Antioch that resulted in Barnabas' visit to the city and his subsequent decision to invite Paul to join him in Antioch? What kind of picture is presented of the church there? (Acts 11:20–26).

This scenario lets us know that God was blessing the church and his grace was causing it grow and prosper. The church sounds like it was sensitive to the Spirit of God and able to respond to his leading. Paul was upset because this church which was so responsive to God is now turning its back on the gospel that they initially received to another gospel.

There is, today, a tendency even in our church (in some places) to emphasize experience over doctrine. What matters most (we are told) is our experience, our relationship with God. However important experience is, what does Paul's writing here teach us about the importance of correct doctrine?

We must be able to validate our experience by the word of God. If our experiences are not in accordance with the scriptures then it is possible that we are and can be deceived. Even though we may experience something which is supernatural this still does not negate what God has clearly told us in his word. We must take God at his word.

Prayer: Father thank you for your scriptures, help us not to be seduced by any other gospel. In Jesus name amen.

I would like to rest upon God’s word

Related posts:

  1. Paul's Gospel
  2. The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles
  3. Paul's Calling

Paul’s Gospel

Posted: 04 Oct 2011 05:35 AM PDT

resurrection 150x150 Paul's Gospel

In addition to defending his apostleship, what else does Paul emphasize in his opening greeting to the Galatians? Compare Gal. 1:3–5 with Eph. 1:2, Phil. 1:2, and Col. 1:2.

When we look at Paul’s greetings in the epistles he gives a blessing of grace through Jesus Christ. Paul’s gospel is filled with the grace of God and this is what he is presenting to each church he writes to.

What aspects of the gospel does Paul include in Galatians 1:1–6

On aspect of the gospel Paul talks about is the resurrection (1:1) , and another is the death of Jesus Christ on the cross (1:4).

In about as many words as Paul used in Galatians 1:1–5, write down your understanding of what the gospel is all about. Bring your words to class on Sabbath.

This gospel is about the power that is seen in the death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the cross Jesus conquered sin and in the resurrection he conquered death. In these two acts we see that Jesus is all powerful and able to deliver us from this present evil age. As we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ and His grace we are prepared to live with Him forever.

Prayer: Father thank your for your gospel, please help us to trust in you daily, in Jesus name amen.

I would like to learn more about the gospel.

Related posts:

  1. Paul's Calling
  2. Mission and Commission: Witnesses of These Things
  3. Mission and Commission: Discipleship and the Gospel


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