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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Paul, the Letter Writer

Posted: 02 Oct 2011 04:41 PM PDT

110 01 0486 BiblePaintings 150x150 Paul, the Letter Writer Read 2 Peter 3:15, 16. What do these verses tell us about how the early church viewed Paul's writing? What does this teach us about how inspiration works?

From this passage we understand that the early church accepted Paul’s letters as wisdom from God. They also understood that some of the things which Paul wrote were hard to understand. God took normal men and inspired them. As Paul wrote to address the situations of the early church God inspired him with a message not only for it’s first audience but for us today as well.

If the Bible were to be written today, what kind of medium, format, and style do you think the Lord would use to reach us now?

I would wonder if the bible would come in the form of a blog, or an iphone app or a website in addition to the written format.

Prayer: Father help us to receive your inspired word and apply to our lives. In Jesus name Amen.

Related posts:

  1. Further Study – Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles
  2. John’s Letter to the Chosen Lady
  3. "All Things to All Men": Paul Preaches to the World


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