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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Worship and Serve

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 06:44 AM PDT

temptation 150x150 Worship and Serve

Read the above verses carefully (Luke 4:5-8), especially Jesus' response. What does Jesus mean by linking together the verbs "worship" and "serve?" How are they related

When Jesus links together the verbs worship and serve He reveals how closely related the words are. From this linkage we understand that worship and service go hand and hand. God is the only one worthy of worship and because He is God we also serve Him. We serve whatever we worship, we lend our obedience over to whatever or whoever we worship. Some of us present better service on the Job because we are more fervent for our Jobs than we are for God. We must re-evaluate where are are lending the best of our service and when doing we may also find that this is what we truly worship.

Think about this idea more: what we worship is what we serve. How have you seen that principle manifested in your own life? How can your worship experience help you stay focused on serving only the Lord?

When you develop a relationship with God through worship will desire to serve Him and Him alone. When you realize the goodness of God and the wonderful things He has done for you the natural response is one of service. There are many things which are fighting for our worship and our service we must spend time with God daily and devote our best service to Him.

Prayer: Father we sometimes struggle with what we worship and who we serve. Father help us to spend time worshiping you and serving you alone. Please remove the things from our lives which keep us from offering our best to you. Thank you Father in Jesus name amen.

Related posts:

  1. Mary's Song of Praise and Worship
  2. Serve One Another
  3. Worship Outside of Eden


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