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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

That I May Dwell Among Them

Posted: 17 Jul 2011 02:35 PM PDT

202 01 0050 ChristianSymbolsBkg 150x150 That I May Dwell Among ThemRead Exodus 25:1–9. What are the two main points that we learn from the verses, and why are they amazing? (As you think about the answer, think about who God is, His power, His might and majesty.)

The first thing that I see in this passage is that that God asks the people to bring them an offering as their heart prompts them to give. God does not pressure us into worshiping him, he want’s us to willingly come to Him. The second thing we see in this passage is that God want’s to dwell among his people. God desires to be close to His people and He want’s to have fellowship with them. In order to facilitate this worship experience God told Moses to construct a sanctuary. Also God did not leave the construction of this sanctuary up to chance but He gave Abraham a model to patten the earthly sanctuary after.

Imagine standing outside a building and knowing that inside that very structure, Yahweh, the Creator God, the Lord of the heavens and earth, was dwelling. What kind of attitude would you have, and why? What should your answer tell you about the attitude you should have during worship?

 I would approach the worship experience with a sense of awe and reverence. Often times when we approach worship it becomes such a common place thing because we fail to remember what it is all about. I believe that we need to recapture our sense of reverence for God in worship through reflecting on who God is.

Prayer:  Father thank you for wanting to dwell with us. Help us to recapture the awe and reverence of your presence. Thank you Father in Jesus name amen.

Related posts:

  1. Bethel, the House of God
  2. Symbols: Part 2 – Sanctuary and Atonement
  3. Communion With God


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