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Quick & Powerful Updates

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

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Hello All!

::::::URGENT APPEAL:::::::

As I stated in our last email our domain name hosting and registration is due soon. The time is upon us and it is due tomorrow! I just ask you a simple favor if you have been blessed by this ministry please contribute something porpotinate to your blessing. Pleae see cost break down below.

Bluehost Web hosting  36 mo.  x 6.95 = $250
Bluehost Web hosting  24 mo.  x 7.95 = $190
Bluehost Web hosting   6  mo.  x 9.95 = $59
Bluehost Web Hosting  3   mo.  x 9.95= $29

If each person who is subscirbed to this list will contribute at least $1 that would be more than enough to cover the expenses of this site. Please prayerfully consider your contribution. The donaiton button can be found below

-web designers /programmers
-Bible teachers
::::::Suggested Additions::::::
- iphone app
- andorid app
- skype lessons
- Video summary on Fridays

Please fill out the form to let me know where you woud like to volunteer or suggest and idea.
Click here to fill out Form

As allways thank for your support! Please remember to share daily posts on your facebook pages and follow us on twitter. You are what makes this site a success. Thank you so much blessings to you!



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