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Sabbath School Lesson - The Weak Brother

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - The Weak Brother

The Weak Brother

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 07:12 AM PDT

Sunday's Lesson - The Weaker Brother

What principle should we take, then, from Romans 14:1–3?

Paul first asserts that we should accept the brother who is weaker in faith. This acceptance of the brother should not simply be an acceptance for the purpose of passing judgement on his opinions. This acceptance should not be a superficial surface level acceptance but something that is genuine and heartfelt.

Because of the strength of our faith we may have different convictions on what we can and can not do. Regardless of our convictions we must have a mutual acceptance of each other. In short we must foster relationships in the Christian community free of judgement and contempt due to our varying convictions.

How does Romans 14:4 amplify what we've just looked at?

Paul here wants to show us who us our ultimate judge. He also wants to show that we are all servants serving God. God is our ultimate judge and because of this fact we can not judge one another as if we have the final word. The God who is our ultimate judge is able to strengthen us whatever our weakness may be. Therefore must not show contempt for the weaker brother but recognize the God he serves is able to strengthen him.

Though we need to keep in mind the principles seen in today's lesson, are there not times and places where we need to step in and judge, if not a person's heart, at least the actions? Are we to step back and say and do nothing in every situation? Isaiah 56:10 describes watchmen as "dumb dogs, they cannot bark." How can we know when to speak and when to keep silent? How do we strike the right balance here?

In order to understand when we should judge and when we should not judge we must understand the difference between the two situations. The situation which Paul is addressing in the 14th chapter of Romans is a matter of indifference or a matter of varying opinion. As Christians we are allowed a degree of freedom in our Christianity
based upon our relationships with God and our personal convictions. In these situations are not called to judge one another.

The 14th chapter of Romans does not cover areas which pertain to sinful actions which are forbidden in the Law of God. In these instances we are called to judge and to speak against these unlawful acts. We must also remember that even though we are called to judge we must always speak the truth in love. We must remember that or actions of correction must overflow from our abundance of love for the individual.

Prayer: Father please help us to love one another. Help us to receive our brothers and sisters in Christ when we differ in opinions. Help us to recognize the difference between when we are to speak up or keep silent. Thank you for Father for all that you have done. In Jesus name amen.


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