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Sabbath School Lesson - Observance of Days

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Observance of Days

Observance of Days

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 05:12 AM PDT

Wednesday's Lesson - Observance of Days

Read Romans 14:4–10. How are we to understand what Paul is saying here? Does this say anything about the fourth commandment? If not, why not?

When we read this passage on the surface is appears that it is talking about the fourth commandment. If it is talking about the fourth commandment then why are we even commanded to keep this commandment. The key to understanding this passage can be found in it's context.

During Paul's time there were Christians who believed in keeping the ceremonial laws which were instituted by Moses. When Paul speaks of observance of days he is speaking of these day's and not the Sabbath day. His point is that if one is compelled to keep these days there is nothing wrong.

It is important that we stick to our personal convictions. We all have been given a degree of freedom in our Christianity and it is not our responsibility to make everyone line up with our personal convictions. We must not judge each other in these matters but accept our differences.

What has been your experience with the Sabbath? Has it been the blessing it was meant to be? What changes can you make in order to experience more fully what the Lord offers you in the Sabbath?

Part of the Sabbath commandment is to work. I believe the blessing of rest is experienced more completely when we have worked during the week. In addition to this we must intentionally design time to connect with God on the Sabbath. We must also avoid the danger in crowding the Sabbath with busy work.

Prayer: Father thank you for the blessings of the rest which are found in the Sabbath. Help us to fully experience the rest that is available to us on the Sabbath. Teach us tolerance of each others personal convictions. Thank you in Jesus name Amen.


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