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Sabbath School Lesson - Law Awakens Need

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Law Awakens Need

Law Awakens Need

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 04:58 AM PDT

Wednesday's Lesson - Law Awakens Need

What are some texts that reveal the reality of sin before Sinai?

The bible is replete with examples of sin before Sinai. Sin entered into the world in Genesis chapter three. At the moment of disobedience to God's command (Gen 2:16) sin entered the world.We find in Genesis chapter tree God punishing Adam and even for this disobedience.In the next chapter of Genesis we find the bibles first murder. In Gen 4:8 the bible tells us that "Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him"(NIV).

At this point in the scriptures we find no command against killing, but we see Cain was punished for his actions therefore suggesting he did something wrong. As the scriptures progress more in Gen 6:5 says that "The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become , and that every inclination of the thoughts was only evil all the time.(NIV) God later says "I will wipe mankind , whom I have created from the face of the earth (Gen 6:7)

Here again we see sin present in the scriptures before the Sinai. In Genesis God set the precedent that He punishes for breaking of His commands. Each time we see God punishing His people in these accounts it was because a sin occurred. The instances of punishment with Adam and eve, Cain and able , and the antediluvians all reveal that sin existed before Sinai.

For what purpose did God reveal Himself more fully in the "law"? Rom. 5:20, 21

The law shows us that we have done something wrong. When laws are broken then punishment must take place, when God's laws a broken the punishment is death.
The law essentially demonstrates that we are sinners.When God articulates clearly to His law , it helps us to see how much we need a savior.

The law points out to us our great need ,therefore driving us to Jesus for help. Jesus is the only one who can help us. Jesus is till the answer for the worlds today. Jesus supplies us with the righteousness deeds of the law that we were unable to keep on our own. By having faith in what Christ has done for us we become righteous in Gods sight.

Prayer: Father your law reveals our need of a Savior.We recognize our great need , we present to you our lives do as your please.Take the whole world but give us Jesus.Thank you in Jesus name amen.


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