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Sabbath School Lesson - Grace Abounding

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Grace Abounding

Grace Abounding

Posted: 08 Aug 2010 05:17 AM PDT

Sunday's Lesson - Grace Abounding

Read Romans 6:1. What logic is Paul dealing with here, and how, in the verses that follow, does he respond to that kind of thinking? Rom. 6:2–11.

In this passage Paul is combating against the logic that because of God's grace we can continue on sinning. In this passage Paul's reasoning is that because a person has been baptized they have died and are deciding to live a new life. Baptism is a symbol of death and when we are baptized our old lifestyle of sin is buried.

Before we surrender to Christ we are slaves to sin , but when we surrender to Christ in baptism we become slaves to righteousness. The old life is crucified with Christ and He gives us power to live differently. The person who is in Christ can no longer be characterized by a life of sin.

What has been your experience with the power of sin in your life, even after baptism? What choices are you making that allow sin the power over you that it shouldn't't have, despite all the promises we have in the Bible for victory over it?

The choices that we make from day to day influence our ability to be spiritually strong. What we feed our minds and our eyes can help our hurt our spirituality. We must also make a conscious choice to follow after God and yield our wills to Him. Whatever our challenge God will help us.

Prayer: Father please help us to to surrender all to you. please work in us both to will and to do your good pleasure as you promised. Work in us with all the power of heaven and earth. Thank you for your victory in Jesus name amen.


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