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Sabbath School Lesson - Freedom From Condemnation

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Freedom From Condemnation

Freedom From Condemnation

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 04:35 AM PDT

freedom from Condemnation - Sunday's Lesson

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit" (Rom. 8:1). What does "no condemnation" mean? No condemnation from what? And why is this such good news?

From the previous chapter of Romans we see that there is a struggle between the natural man and the spiritual man. In this struggle illustrated how one may find themselves doing things which they do not really want to do. Paul brings out the point that God is working in you such a person because they know what is good and they have a desire to do that which is Good.

At the end of chapter Paul laments and asks the question who shall deliver him from the body of death. The condition of an individual without Christ is a deplorable circumstance. But the bible tells us that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. The good news is that despite the struggle you are not condemned because in Christ God does not see you but He sees His Son.

No matter how messed up you may feel that you are when run to the foot of the cross there is sufficient grace for every difficulty. We are not condemned because Jesus already took the full punishment of our condemnation and in exchange He offers us peace with God. Because of Jesus we do not have to worry , in Him we find everything that we need.

What frees a person from slavery to sin? Rom. 8:2.

The law of the Spirit of life. When the Holy Spirit dwells in us we are set free from sin which leads to death. The Spirit gives us the nature of Christ and allows us to experience life.

Prayer: Father thank you that in Jesus Christ we are free from all condemnation. Help us to choose you continually. Fill us with your Spirit and enable us to walk in the newness of life. Thank you in Jesus name amen.


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