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Sabbath School Lesson - The Fear Factor

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - The Fear Factor

The Fear Factor

Posted: 02 May 2010 11:23 AM PDT

What are ways in which fear can help protect us? What are things, in fact, that we should be afraid of?

One type of fear that may protect us is the fear of disobedience
towards our parents. If we fear the consequences of disobedience
to them this may keep some from getting into unnecessary trouble.
The same thing can be said for any authority figures our faer and
respect for them will cause us to listen to their advice and
counsel so that we may be protected from foolish decisions.

We should be afraid of things that would unnecessarily put our
lives and the lives of others at risk. This type of risky behavior
is scary to most and for that very reason it keeps people safe
from it's consequences.

Fear is a natural and necessary emotion that helps humans cope with danger and helps them survive. This emotion and instinct is necessary in a What can we learn about fear from the Bible's first mention of it? Gen. 3:8–10

Initially man welcomed the presence of God but when Adam and eve sinned
their welcoming of God turned to fear of God. Adam and even ran from
God in fear because they were naked. Sin brought about an unintended
fear of God which causes man to run away from God.

What are your fears? How have they affected your life? How can you better take advantage of the promises of God in dealing with things that make you afraid?

We are always tempted to forget where God has lead us in the past we
must reflect on our past triumphs of faith and not allow fear to
deceive us into retreat. We must trust in God and stand on the
promises of His word. God has not given us the spirit of fear
but of love and power and a sound mind.

Prayer: Father please help us to not be afraid of things that we should not be afraid of. Please help us to put our trust and our hope in you. Father God please be our strength our righteousness and our peace. Thank you in Jesus name amen.


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