How did Noah find favor with God? Why? Gen. 6:9, 22; 7:1.The reason Noah found favor with God was because Noah was first faithful to God. Noah was said to have been obedient to God. "Noah did everything just as God commanded Him." (Gen 6:22) Because of this simple obedience Noah was called righteous by God.
Despite Noah's faithfulness and obedience and doing all that God has asked, there's another story that was recorded for us as well. Read Genesis 9:20–27. What lessons can we take away from this sordid tale?In the previous passages we read about how Noah did everything God commanded and because of this he found favor, but now we read about a Noah drunk and naked. Is this the same Noah? Most certainly this is the same Noah but this contrast shows us the folly of alcohol consumption.
Noah left himself unnecessarily exposed, which resulted in one son dishonoring him and and another son honoring him. But isn't this how it always happens? Alcohol consumption can put a strain on people and their families. Alcohol consumption can cause people to do things they would not normally do and causes families to do things they would not normally do.
Do you know a well-respected church leader who has fallen in one way or another? It always hurts when someone we look up to stumbles and falls and disappoints us. How can we learn to extend the promises of grace even to those who, like us, really do not deserve it?I believe that one time or another all of us have done something which was uncharacteristic of ourselves. We all have done thing which we have regretted and we all have received grace an mercy despite the circumstances surrounding our mistake. We must treat others as we would like to be treated.
Prayer: Father please help us to totally abstain from all things which are harmful and to moderately use the things which are good for us. Thank you Father for your mercy and grace ,help us to extend this same grace to all. In Jesus name.
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