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Sabbath School Lesson - Seek First the Kingdom of God

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Seek First the Kingdom of God

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 07:51 AM PDT

" 'But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you' " (Matt. 6:33, NKJV). What does Jesus mean when He tells us to seek "first" the kingdom of God? Why seek that first? See Matt. 16:26.

To seek first the kingdom of God is a question of priorities, and it is
also a question of who has control over your life. To seek first God's
kingdom you have to ask yourself are the priorities of God the same
as my priorities

What also have to ask ourselves are our lives yielded to God and are
we desiring to do the things where are pleasing to God. All this
can be seen in a practical righteousness manifested in our daily lives.

How does Romans 14:17 help us understand what the kingdom of God is?

The kingdom of God is not about external things such as food and
and other external things, but it is about the Christian life
seen in how we live from day to day. The kingdom of God is
about manifesting the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

What are your main concerns as revealed not just by your prayers but by your life in general: getting what you want for yourself or becoming what God wants you to become? What does your answer tell you about your priorities?

The things that you invest your time and money in reveal what are
your priorities. The things that you concern yourself with and
also show what your priorities are all about. We must seek first
the priorities of God's kingdom, and desire him to be Lord
of our lives.

Prayer: Father we thank you for the Holy Spirit, please cleanse us from all our sins. Change us so that we have your priorities and so that we seek first your kingdom. Thank you in Jesus name Amen.


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