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Sabbath School Lesson - Samson and the Fruits of Failure

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Samson and the Fruits of Failure

Samson and the Fruits of Failure

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 06:04 AM PST

Read Judges 13:24, 25. Considering what we know about Samson, what important message, and warning, are found in those two texts?

When we read this two passage we understand that Samson was a
child who was blessed by God. It was because of God that
Samson obtained the strength that he had. At the same time
we find that Samson was stirred by the Spirit of the Lord.

These passages show how God was with Samson, although
it is not clear from this passage why Samson was stirred
we must realize that God sought to communicate with Samson.
God is always seeking to reach out to us be we must be
willing to listen and obey.

How are you experiencing the reality of the great controversy in your own heart and flesh? What choices are you making? What do these choices tell you about which side you really are on?

There are times when life gets so cluttered with activity
that is almost chokes out the voice of God. I feel that
this is the greatest temptation that some of us face.
But we must learn to give the things of God priority
and make them a necessary focal point of our lives.

The temptation here is not necessarily to leave God but
to be lost in the noise of life which clouds our clear
understanding of God will for our lives. We must be
proactive in our Christianity and our spirituality
in order to avoid this temptation.

Prayer: Father may we find our strength in your , please help us to realize that we realize that we are in a battle and we must actively choose you daily. Help us to by controlled by your Spirit and to be devoid of self. Father hear our prayer, in Jesus name Amen.


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