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Sabbath School Lesson - “I Am . . . The Truth”

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - “I Am . . . The Truth”

“I Am . . . The Truth”

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 09:19 AM PDT

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me'" (John 14:6, NKJV) Write out a short paragraph explaining what you think this text means

When Jesus says that He is the way it means that He is the path that
we take to get to where we want to go. Jesus also says "Take up your
cross and follow me" Mark 8:34 Jesus is the one that we follow and
model and emulate , in order to become all that we can possibly

When Jesus says that He is this truth this means that he is the
absolute reality. There can be no real understanding of truth that
does not accept Jesus Christ into the equation. All other systems
of truth which do not acknowledge Jesus Christ , are only
partial and incomplete.

When Jesus says that He is life this means that He is the source of all
life. The bible declares that through the Word (Jesus) All things were
made ,and nothing was created except through Him. He is the originator
of life , and the source of eternal life.

How does what's written above help us understand Christ's words in John 17:3?

Because Jesus is the way, truth and the life to know Him is to have
eternal life. When you understand Jesus and what He has done for us
and what he wants to do for us, and when you develop a personal
relationship with this person it changes your life.

By coming in contact with Jesus and allowing Him to change your
life and accepting what He has done for you then you have the
opportunity to live forever. We must understand what Jesus wants
to offer us by becoming intimately involved with Him and yielding
ourselves to His will.

No question, you have a relationship with Jesus. The question you need to ask yourself is, What kind do you have? And, How can you make it better?

I believe that every relationship can be made better by communication
and more specifically listening. We can make our relationship better
with God spending time with Him in prayer and seeking to do the
things which please Him. We do these things out of our love and
desire to please Him, rather than to just get something from God.

Prayer: Father thank you for the absolute truth as it is found in Jesus Christ. Please help us to develop a relationship with Jesus and have a commitment to Him so that we may obtain eternal life. Please remove all the things which may hinder our relationship with Christ and help us to be aware of these things. Thank you Father for the Truth in Jesus name Amen.


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