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Sabbath School Lesson - Do-It-Yourself Righteousness

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Do-It-Yourself Righteousness

Do-It-Yourself Righteousness

Posted: 08 Mar 2010 06:14 AM PST

Read Matthew 5:20 and 23:25–28. How does Jesus here pinpoint the problem that comes from those who seek to make themselves righteous

The problem with self-righteousness is that it does not address the
root of the problem. Self-righteousness seeks to make one righteous
but addressing the symptoms of the disease and not the disease itself.

We all must have a change of heart , this means that Jesus must come
into our lives and change out desires, change out focus and change
our mindsets. Rom 12:1,2 Admonishes us to present our bodies as
living scarifies. God wants our entire beings not just our actions
but our wills and our hearts, and our affections.

In what ways might you be guilty of the same sin as the scribes and Pharisees? How might this trap be more subtle than we think?

Its is very easy to congratulate ourselves for the good that we have
done, and the evil we have not done and also feel good about our
accomplishments. It is also easy to compare ourselves with other people
and think because we are not like them then we are doing ok. But the
bible says it is unwise to make these comparisons 2 Cor 10:12.
We must continue to look to Jesus the author and finisher of our
faith. Heb 12:2

Prayer: Father thank you for the righteousness of Jesus Christ, I pray that you will continue to help us to look to you the author and the finisher of our faith. Remove from us our filthy self-righteous ropes, and cover us with your robe or righteousness. Thank you Father in Jesus name we pray amen.


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