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Sabbath School Lesson - The Importance of Meekness

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - The Importance of Meekness

The Importance of Meekness

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 07:14 AM PST

How does putting emphasis on external beauty potentially conflict with the development of the fruit of the Spirit, particularly with the fruit of meekness? As the fruit of meekness grows in you, how should your life be different from what it was before? In the area of meekness, what changes have you seen in your life since you've accepted Christ? What attitudes might you be harboring that make it difficult for you to be meek?

As the lesson states "It is right to love beauty and desire it" , the
problem comes in with where our priority and our emphasis is. Focusing
on external beauty becomes a conflict when it takes you away from
spiritual development.

It is difficult to be meek when you desire to meet the worlds standard
of beauty and fashion. Worldly fashion has a push which calls you to
be exalt yourself. This To be engrossed in this will starve out the
germination of the spirit of meekness.

To be meek is to recognize that there is something greater to live
for. Meekness takes us from being the central figures of our lives
and places Jesus Christ and others in it's place. Meekness is not
about self preservation, but its about living out the Glory of God
in day to day life.

In many ways we become accustomed to doing things , and thinking about
things in a certain way therefore it becomes difficult to change.
We must allow ourselves to be changed by God, and to trust Him to
do what is best for our soul salvation. God is a professional at
what He does let's let Him do what he does best ,save!

Prayer: Father we desire to be Christians we are marked by a spirit of meekness and kindness. Though we are bombarded by so many things which pull us away from this desire , Lord have your way with us today. We give you control, please work in our lives that may be saved and help to save others. Thank you in Jesus name amen.

Models of Meekness

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 06:34 AM PST

What can you find in common among these examples of meekness? What can you learn from them that could help you understand what meekness is and isn't?

One defining characteristic that find that runs throughout these
stories is the ability for these characters to control themselves.
The characters had a strong understanding of their purpose and
and their identity and did not let circumstance draw them away
from their purpose and their mission.

Abraham could have behaved selfishly, but He understood the
promise that was given to him from God. Abraham had no reason
to try and selfishly help God because he had faith the God would
do what he promised that He would do.

Joseph had spent many long years in Egypt after being sold by
his brothers, yet after meeting them he acted in kindness
and meekness. Joseph understood what God was trying to do in
his life and in the life of his nation. Joseph did not blame
his brothers because he knew the greater plan of God in his

With Moses we see him behaving in one instance in a way that
we would not consider meek. The thing we must understand is
the long suffering of Moses and the love of Moses. Moses
cared for his people so much that he was willing to be blotted
out for them. Moses' meekness was seen in his solidarity and
commitment to leading the people of God despite their

Jesus is the creator of the universe yet He choose to come
as a human so that we may understand Him and that He may show
His love to us. How does one contain infinite power in a human
body, withholding judgement as sinner mock , and beat him. Jesus
understood His mission and he understood who He was, therefore
all of his actions were characterized with meekness.

Prayer: Father thank you for the examples that you have given us of meekness in the bible. Please help us to understand who we are in Christ, and to understand our purpose here on this earth. Where we are weak please lift us up with your mighty hands. Thank you in Jesus name amen.


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