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Sabbath School Lesson - Goodness Expressed

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Goodness Expressed

Goodness Expressed

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 02:44 AM PST

Read Ephesians 2:10 and Titus 2:14. What common message exists in both these texts, and why is that message so important for anyone who professes the name of Christ?

When we look at Eph. 2:10 this passage reveals to us that we are
the workmanship of God. God is the master craftsman and we
are the result of His great work for humanity. We are
created for a specific purpose, and that is to reveal
the goodness of God,.

God had an intention for us when He created us , and as He
fashions us after His likeness. This God wants us to produce
fruit which reveals the God which has worked on us, and
in us.

When we understand this , to not produce the character
indicative of the God who Has worked on us suggests
something different. This suggests that we are under the
workmanship of another workman. And therefore rather
than being missionaries for Christ we he become emissaries
of Satan.

How well are you availing yourself of all the promises of a victorious Christian life? What is holding you back from claiming what's yours, what's been offered to you at such a great price?

The process of being fashioned after the character of Christ
is not allays and enjoyable task. To seek to be like Christ is
to ask for experiences which will draw out our sinful nature
and reveal our need of a savior.

Day by day as we are tested and tried triumph, we will be made
more and more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Father we want to be like Jesus. We want to express Your goodness to the world. Father we want to be true, please remove our superficiality ,remove our pretense and make us more like your Son. We commit to You our lives, in your hands we place our hands, Father lead us. Today have your way oh Lord in Jesus name amen.


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