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Sabbath School Lesson - God's Law and Goodness

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - God's Law and Goodness

God's Law and Goodness

Posted: 09 Feb 2010 06:33 AM PST

Read Romans 7:7–12. What point is Paul making about the law here? Why does he stress that the law is good?

Paul is making the point that it is by the law that we understand
what is good and what is bad. The problem is not that the law is
bad the problem is that we are bad. The law that God has made is
perfect , and complete.

When you compare this perfect and complete law against sinners
their true nature is revealed. Therefore we should not seek to
change the law but because it condemns us , but we must seek
to be changed by Christ.

In Psalm 40:8, David writes, "I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart"(NKJV). Why, then, might some people believe that keeping the law is a burden?

The thing is that when you do not desire to keep the law then
it is a burden to you. The law constantly clashes against the
human nature , which wants to sin continually. Those who have
no desire to keep the law find it a burden.

The reality is that without help we are incapable of keeping
the law. It is by the righteousness of Christ that we are
empowered to do anything. All goodness that we exhibit is a gift
from God. But we have to desire to want to please God.

Do you find keeping the law to be a burden? If so, why? If the Bible says that keeping the law is a delight, what are we doing wrong if it's a burden to us?

If we are trying to keep the law of God in our own strength we are attempting
an impossibility. Jesus tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden is
light. The reason for this is that we are yoked up with Him and we are to be
working with Him

When we forget to yoke up with Jesus then we are making the work
of keeping His law an impossible burden. Jesus is our only hope and
without Him we can do nothing.

Prayer: Father Thank your for your goodness, please help us to continue to look to you your author and the finisher of our faith. Help us never to trust in our on works but the works which Christ has done for us. Father please give us your strength , in Jesus name amen.


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