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Sabbath School Lesson - God Is Faithful

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - God Is Faithful

God Is Faithful

Posted: 14 Feb 2010 05:55 AM PST

Identify the blessings that come to us as a result of His faithfulness:

1 Cor. 10:13

This passage revels to us that God is faithful to us. And even
though we may go through trials God know just how much we can
bear. God understands us so well that He know how to temper
the trail so that we can make it through.

God promises that He will give a way of escape in every
trial that we go through. This is a wonderful promise to
remember when we think that things are beyond what we can
bear. God is faithful in all things and He will not forget
us in our time of need.

1 Thess. 5:23, 24

God wants to make us holy , and He wants to make us complete.
God wants to enable us to live with him forever. This God
is faithful in that work. He is able to finish that work
that He started in us and He is able to do it will skill
and precision.

This is a promise of the fidelity of God. The God who called
us is faithful. He is full of faith, and He has the ability
to bring it to pass. The text does not say what it is that
He will bring to pass but because He is God he can do whatever
it is.

2 Thess. 3:3

This is a powerful quote. I like the fact that God is powerful
when we are confronted with the schemes and the devil. God
promises that He will strengthen us , and that He will protect
us. We need a God who is faithful , and who has the power to
strengthen us and fortify us for every trial.

Heb. 10:23

This passage let us know that we should continue to hold on
to our faith. The reason is that the one who called us is
faithful. God will not leave us hanging He will be faithful
in the task that of saving our souls. God will never leave
us nor forsake us and He will be with us to the very end.
God is Faithful!

Why is the faithfulness of God so important to the Christian's life? Recount a time in your life when knowing that God was faithful brought you through a crisis. On a day-to-day basis, which of the blessings of God's faithfulness listed above is the greatest help to you?

God Has be so faithful to me I can not count it all.
It is very important to remember this fact about God.
We often forget that God is faithful and He has been
so in the past, therefore He will be faithful in
the present,and the future.

The worst thing that we can do is to forget about the
faithfulness of God. The enemy of our souls wants us to
cause us to forget the God who is faithful, and the
God who is loving, and the God who is mighty to
save.God is faithful!

Prayer: Father today we thank you for you faithfulness. Today please strengthen us and protect us from the evil one. Help us Father to remember all that you have done for us, let us not forget your love. Today Father we acknowledge you as the almighty God, take us and have your way. In Jesus name amen.


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