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Sabbath School Lesson - Faithful Until the End

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Faithful Until the End

Faithful Until the End

Posted: 18 Feb 2010 05:52 AM PST

Read Matthew 25:1-13. Notice that everyone who was waiting for the bridegroom went to sleep. When the bridegroom finally arrived and all awakened, it was too late for five of them. In what ways could we, in the twenty-first century, be in danger of doing the same thing?

For so many years we have heard that Jesus is coming soon
and because He has not come we are in danger of doing the
same exact thing. But as the text admonishes us it is
necessary for us to always be ready.

We do not know the day or the hour when Jesus will return
therefore we must live every day as if He were to return
today. We must live in a state of readiness and not in a
state of getting readiness.

Read Matthew 24:44-50. Notice how the evil servant changes his lifestyle when he becomes convinced that his master is not coming back as soon as he had expected. What is the message to us who feel there has been a delay in the coming of Jesus?

When the servant changed His behavior because he believed
that his master was delaying his coming he revealed his
heart. We too reveal out hearts when we decide to behave
unrighteously because we believe that we have time because
the master is delaying His coming.

We must ask God to help us that that we we may be faithful to
Him every day, not because we expect Him to come back soon but
because we love Him whenever He does comes. Our devotion to
Christ must be beyond the things that he can do for us
and be realized as something much deeper.

In many ways the answer to the question about the future ("Will I be faithful to the end?") can be found in the present. What is the basic trend of your spiritual life now? Are you daily committed to the Lord, growing in grace and faithfulness, or are you slowly, bit by bit, easing up, growing more accustomed to the world and its ways? What does your answer tell you about yourself and your walk with the Lord?

Prayer: Father please help us to be faithful to the end. May we live each day to glorify you with our lives. Despite the apparent delay of your coming may we still be faithful. Help us to love you with all our hearts, minds , and souls. Please do for us what he can not do for ourselves. Thank you in Jesus name amen.

Faithfulness in Daily Living

Posted: 17 Feb 2010 06:31 AM PST

" 'He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much' " (Luke 16:10, NKJV).How have you seen this principle manifested in your own life? After all, if we are not faithful in the little things, why should we think we would be in the larger ones?

This is a very important principle to remember. One person said the
way that you will do something is the way that you will do anything.
We should not measure how faithful we will be to a specific task
based upon how important we perceive the task to be. We should seek
to give our all in whatever duty that we find ourselves presented

It is by our faithful execution on the little tasks which are
assigned to us, that we are prepared to handle larger tasks. It
is an error in thinking to believe that we can treat our
small duties any kind of way, because we will carry the habits
of these duties into every area of our lives.

We must seek to do every task as if we are doing it for the glory
of God. We must not look at our tasks as if we are doing them
simply to please men but to reveal the God that we serve to
the world. One wise woman once said that anything worth doing is
worth doing well. Do your best , and give the glory to God.

Take a closer look at these elements. How well do you fare in these different categories? Where can you do better? Most important, what changes do you need to make in order to be more faithful to what you know is right? How can you make the needed changes?

We all can work on these areas to some degree. But in order to
improve we must be honest with ourselves. We must ask God to
take control of our lives and make us into the people that
He want us to be. We can't do any of this without the help of God.

No one likes a person who is not dependable, honest, and trustworthy.
Lets seek the strength of God so that we can be more faithful in
our daily living.

Prayer: Father we need your help. You know us better than ourselves and we have faltered so many times in our faithfulness. I pray that you may help us to be more faithful in our daily living. Help us to remember our commitments and to seek to be trustworthy. Thank you Father, In Jesus name I pray amen.


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