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Sabbath School Lesson - Love in Action (Luke 10:25-37)

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Love in Action (Luke 10:25-37)

Love in Action (Luke 10:25-37)

Posted: 07 Jan 2010 05:35 AM PST

In yesterday's lesson, we talked about the question of Who is my enemy? Today the question is, Who is my neighbor? How does Jesus, in Luke 10:25-37, answer that for us? How does this parable tie into the whole question of what true love is? Also, as you read this parable, ask the question, Why did Jesus specifically place religious people, even religious leaders, in the role of the "bad guys"? What lesson is there for us, as well?
   Well in the story a lawyer came to Jesus and asked Him the
   the question. This lawyer was a leader , and the question that
   he proposed was a common question among the religious leaders
   in Jesus' day
   In the parable it points out that you are not naturally good
   by virtue of you title but by virtue of the way that you
   treat people. In this story all of the good people passed
   by the man in need. The person considered to be bad in the
   story was the only one who actually helped the victim.
   Also Jesus wanted to show that everyone is your neighbor,
   and you are to show love to everyone who is need. We must
   not be discriminatory in our love but love without reserve.
Be honest. What kind of lifestyle changes should you make so that you can become a good Samaritan to others? Whom do you know right now who is at this moment on the other side of the road in the world of hurt? How much death to self will it require for you to treat this person as a "neighbor"?
   We must continue to look to the example of Jesus and seek to
   align our lives after His example. It is not something which
   if forced but it simply overflows for the transformation
   that we have by virtue of our conversion.
   To help someone in need means that you have to sacrifice to
   go over to the other side. We are often tempted to pass by that
   individual but imagine if it were us there in need. We must
   ask the question would we want someone to help us. If the
   answer it yes then we must do the same act of love that
   we desire.
Prayer: Father I pray that you will help our love move from more than a theoretical exercise to a factual reality. Help us to love the same way that you loved us. Also help us to show this same type of love to everyone. Thank you, In Jesus name amen.


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