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Sabbath School Lesson - The Fruit of the Spirit Is Joy

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - The Fruit of the Spirit Is Joy

The Fruit of the Spirit Is Joy

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 06:27 AM PST

Read Psalm 139; Romans 8:28; and 1 Peter 1:8, 9. What reasons are given there for us to rejoice? How can we learn to rejoice in these promises of God?
   One reason that we can rejoice is that God posses and intimate
   knowledge of us and He cares about us. Because He knows so
   much about us we can be sure that He knows best in the situations
   of our lives He understands things better than we understand
   Another reason that we can rejoice is that all things work together
   for out good. When we look at the various things that happen to
   us it is tempting to get discouraged. The promise of God declares
   that all things work together for our good, this is another reason
   to rejoice.
   We also rejoice in the fact that God has given us salvation in
   Jesus Christ.And the fact that the outcome of our faith will be
   our salvation. This is the greatest thing that any human can
   attain to His own salvation and even the salvation of others.
   We also can rejoice in the fact that was have salvation in
   Jesus Christ.
Despite these promises, and despite all the reasons we have to rejoice, we all struggle with sadness, discouragement, and pain. These are the "facts of life" here and now. No matter our circumstances, how can we learn to find the joy that's offered us in Christ? What choices are we making that can greatly impact whether or not we avail ourselves of the joy that could be ours?
   Very true pain is apart of life, and we can to very little to avoid
   it. All humans will experience pain because it is apart of the
   human experience. To try to completely avoid pain is to try and
   de-humanize yourself which is a shameful impossibility.
   It seems as if these situations throw a monkey wrench in the reasons
   we have to rejoice. The reality is that even those things which try our
   faith are a blessing to us. Those things which cause us to get
   down on our knees and pray are blessing to us.
   In the midst of a storm it is difficult to understand and we often
   ask the question why, but God has it under control. I don't want
   to minimize your difficulty as insignificant , and sorrow is
   a legitimate human emotion for difficulty.
   But happiness and sorrow are only transitory emotions depending on
   the situation. Joy is something that we have regardless of the
   situation regardless of the circumstances. This Joy is not
   connected to the moments but it is connected to Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Father I pray that you will help us to always rejoice in you. Help us to connect ourselves to Jesus Christ the ultimate source of Joy. Thank you for the gift of your son. In Jesus name amen.


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