Simple Faith Unites us to God
Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Rom. 6:11,
We are living in a most solemn period of this earth's history. There is
never time to sin; it is always perilous to continue in transgression; but
in a special sense is this true at the present time. We are now upon the
very borders of the eternal world and stand in a more solemn relation to
time and to eternity than ever before. Now let every person search his own
heart, and plead for the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness to expel
all spiritual darkness and cleanse from defilement. "If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness." Through faith, irrespective of feeling, Jesus, the Author
of our salvation, the Finisher of our faith, will, by His precious grace,
strengthen the moral powers, and the sinner may reckon himself "to be dead
indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ." Simple faith,
with the love of Christ in the soul, unites the believer to God. While
toiling in battle as a faithful soldier of Christ, he has the sympathy of
the whole loyal universe. The ministering angels are round about him to aid
in the conflict, so that he may boldly say, "The Lord is my helper," "the
Lord is my strength and my shield"; I shall not be overcome. "By grace are
ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
The infinite wisdom and power of God are exerted in our behalf. The heavenly
host are surely fighting our battles for us. They are always looking with
intense interest upon the souls purchased by the Saviour's blood. They see,
through the sacrifice of Christ, the value of the human soul. It is always
safe to be on the Lord's side, not halfheartedly, but wholly. It is this
halfhearted, indifferent, careless work that separates your souls from
Jesus, the source of your strength. Let this be your prayer: "Take
everything from me, let me lose property, worldly honor, everything, but let
Thy presence be with me." It is safe to commit the keeping of the soul to
God, who reigns over all heaven and earth (Testimonies to Ministers, pp.
147, 148).
There must be thorough repentance, faith in our Saviour Jesus Christ,
vigilant watchfulness, unceasing prayer, and diligent searching of the
Scriptures. God holds us responsible for all that we might be if we would
improve our talents. . . . All our influence belongs to God. All that we
acquire is to be used to His glory. All the property that the Lord has
entrusted to us is to be held on the altar of God, to be returned to Him
again. We are working out our own destiny. May God help us all to be wise
for eternity (ibid., p. 147).
>From Lift Him Up - Page 369
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