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Sabbath School Lesson - Without Me You Can Do Nothing

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Without Me You Can Do Nothing

Without Me You Can Do Nothing

Posted: 28 Dec 2009 07:37 AM PST

Read John 15:1-5 and answer the following questions:

Jesus declared Himself to be the True Vine. Why do you think He emphasized "true" vine?(See also Matt. 24:24.)

   Well in Matthew 24 it talks about how false prophets would arise.
   Jesus here wants to make a distinction between Himself and these
   false prophets. Also it is possible that some may forget who was
   the real focus of the the Church was, so Jesus has to make this
   distinction as well.
According to John 15:5, what does Jesus say we are? What does that mean on a practical level; that is, what does it tell us about how we should live?
   This passage says that we are the branches. If we are branches that
   means we are to be to totally dependent upon Christ. The branch
   receives all that it gets ,and it is nothing with the vine. As the
   text states we too are nothing without Christ.
How do you abide in Jesus? What does that mean? What would you have to change in your life to make this a daily experience? What practices and habits are you cultivating that make it more difficult to abide in Him?
   The way that you abide in Jesus is to be obedient to His commands.
   The life that is abiding is Christ is the life which lives
   surrendered to Him , and a life that is devoted to Him.
Prayer: Father please help us to realize that we can do nothing without you. Please help us to abide in you by the way that we live our lives. Thank you in Jesus name amen.

Every Tree Is Known by Its Own Fruit

Posted: 27 Dec 2009 11:53 AM PST

Read 2 Timothy 3:5. How do we see this truth manifested today?
   The power of the changed life is in obedience to the commands of
   God. The power is in inviting Jesus to have His way with every
   area of our lives. What this text talks about is a type of
   person who keeps up the appearances but they are really not
   receiving the power of a changed life by obedience to Christ.
   Until we decide to give all over to Christ we will continue to
   to be nothing more than christian actors.
Dwell more on this distinction between doing good and being good. First, what do we mean by "good"? Second, can a person do good and not be good? Or, can a person be good and not do good? Work through your answers and bring them to class on Sabbath
   When we talk about being good , Jesus Himself states that no one
   is good but God. Therefore our good is the degree to which we
   display the righteousness of Christ. Our goodness is the degree
   to which we exhibit the fruit of His Spirit.
   It is possible for any person to do good and not be good. I believe
   this is possible but the question is it sustainable. You can
   only fake something for so long. And the real question is of
   motive ,and from where do these good things come.
   To one individual the good that they do comes natural to another
   the good that they do is a drudgery and burden. One is simply a
   religion of works and the other is one of works by faith through
   The real question is what is your essential nature. Have you given
   your heart to Christ and does He have your best energies.
Prayer: Father I pray that you will have us to be like Jesus. Take away all our pretense and all our falsehoods and make us authentic. Thank you Father in Jesus name amen.


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