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Sabbath School Lesson - Further Study

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Further Study

Further Study

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 11:17 AM PST

How do we differentiate between forgiveness of sin, in the context of salvation and the Cross, and the issue of a crime in the context of the criminal justice system? Why must we differentiate between them, or can we?
   What we have to understand is that Jesus' main goal is to save our
   souls. The reality is that we all will have to confront death.
   Once we have given our lives over to Christ death no longer
   is an issue because at the resurrection we will receive eternal
   A person who has committed a crime can be forgiven of their sins
   but, they must still suffer the consequences of that crime. Jesus
   died to save us from the eternal consequences of sin not the
   temporal consequences of sin.
   A perfect example is the thief on the cross, the thief on the cross
   was a criminal. He was there with Jesus being put to death for the
   crimes that he committed. That thief was forgiven, and granted
   a place in God's kingdom yet he still died that day.
   I would say the two are totally different,and that being pardoned
   from a crime is not the same as being forgiven from your sins.
   I you dont suffer for a crime that you committed its simply and
   act of God's grace and mercy.

In class, discuss your answer to Tuesday's question regarding the death penalty. What would you tell the family, and why? Also, is it right and fair to apply what was done in ancient Israel to our system of justice today? Discuss.

   To be honest I would not really have any words for them. If they
   directly asked me I would leave it up to them. I would possibly present
   the options. But I will refuse to play the role of someones conscience.
   I know what we are supposed to do , I know what I am supposed say.
   In the reality of the emotions pain and hurt, I will have to defer
   this one to Jesus.
Why is it so important to remember how the Lord has led us in the past, either as individuals or as a church? What dangers arise if we forget the past? At the same time, why is it important not to dwell too much on what already has been done and cannot be changed? How can we strike the right balance here?
   The question of balance is the crux to finding resolution to many
   problems. But the question is how does one actually obtain balance
   and how will you actually know when you have obtained balance.
   A knowledge of the past will keep us from making the same mistakes
   of the past. Also a knowledge of the past will give us a foundation
   of faith to understand that what God did in the past He still can do
   The danger is staying in the past and not living in the present.
   The past is as good as it helps you with what you are dealing
   with today. We must live in today , and not in the past. Now with
   the question of balance.
   For me the only way that we remain balanced in any issue is by
   looking to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith. Balance
   is not found by meticulously weighing options but looking to Jesus.
   By keeping our eyes directly head on the Jesus He will balance
   us out in all areas.
If someone were to ask you, "What does it mean to take refuge in Christ?" what would you answer? How do we "take refuge" in the Lord? What does that mean? How should it change our lives?

   I would tell then to take refuge in Christ is a to accept what
   He has done for you on the cross. And to take refuge in Christ
   means to put on Christ. In order to put on Christ you must be
   baptized for the remission of your sins. And once you are baptized
   you must continue to walk with Him to take refuge in Him.
   I believe it is a simple as that. They must be baptized and then
   devote their lives to Him. If they do these two things they will
   have the refuge which is available in Christ.
How do we administer church discipline today? How do we deal with wayward members whose actions are a reproach to the Lord? Yet at the same time, how do we deal with them in a way that does not make us appear judgmental? Or can we?
   The key to this issue is the spirit that motivates us. If we
   approach a person with a spirit of love and meekness as is
   stated in Gal 6:1 we can be successful at this task. But often
   times people are motivated by many other things than the
   salvation of that individual which causes many problems.
   It takes prayer and it takes a devotion to that persons
   salvation rather than desire to boost your ego because of their
Prayer: Father thank you for all the lessons that we have learned this week. Thank you your the refuge we find in Your Son. Thank you for sending your Son to die for our sins. Be with us today as we spend time with our families and loved ones. Thank you in Jesus name amen.


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