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Sabbath School Lesson - Cities of Refuge, Continued

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Cities of Refuge, Continued

Cities of Refuge, Continued

Posted: 23 Dec 2009 11:05 AM PST

Read Numbers 35:22–34 and answer the following questions:

#How was the whole congregation involved in dealing with these situations? Why would it be important for them to be involved?

   If someone killed someone else unintentionally then the whole
   congregation was to judge the situation by the regulations
   given in numbers 35. I believe that the whole congregation
   was to be apart of the judgment in order to ensure that justice
   is carried out for that individual.
   Also by having the whole congregation involved ideas will not
   form in their heads that murder was ok. When the congregation is
   able to see that this death was actually unintentional it would keep
   others confident in the judicial process.

#What distinction was made between premeditated murder and that of manslaughter?

   A couple of the words used in this passage help us to understand
   what the difference is. The passage uses the word suddenly and
   the word unintentionally. Along with this it says that the person
   was not his enemy and the person did not intend to harm him. From
   these examples we can see the difference is motive,and what are their
   The person who murders is someone who had predetermined motives
   to kill an individual. This person may also have had enmity against
   an individual which would lead them to murder and someone.

#Even though the death might have been by accident, the perpetrator still had to remain in the city of refuge in order to be protected. Given the context, why do you think that was so?
   The reality is that a life had been taken and the family according to
   the law had the right to kill that individual. These types of deaths
   were special cases but they still had to stay in the city for the
   fact that a life had been taken.
   Also it was necessary for the case to be properly examined. A truly
   innocent individuals would gladly comply with the conditions so that
   they may live. Mercy was provided for the individual but they had
   to make a choice to receive it.
#All through the book of Numbers we have seen example after example of God's supernatural intervention, especially in cases of apostasy, sin, and rebellion. That being the case, why do you think the Lord set up this system of justice, in which humans were responsible for determining guilt and innocence? Why didn't He just supernaturally administer justice, as He did in other cases?
   When we look at the ten commandment there are two types of laws.
   There are laws that deal with man and God and there are laws that
   deal with man and man. I believe that God allowed man to judge with
   these laws because it was a crime against other men.
   I believe that had men not been involved in the process then there
   would be a greater harm done. Men would not fully understand the
   way justice was carried out and it would leave room for doubt
   and distention.
#Why do you think a murderer couldn't be put to death on the testimony of just one witness? What does that say about how serious the issue regarding capital punishment was?
   The testimony of one witness is something which can be falsified.
   If two people agree on a particular account then it is more likely
   that that account is true. The greater number of witnesses and the
   greater number of corresponding testimonies increases the likeness of
   their testimony to be true.
   To take a life is something which is a serious thing whether a
   result of punishment or someone killing another person in murder
   our unintentionally. This requirement was instituted to
   maintain the integrity of the ancient judicial process.
Prayer: Father we are thankful for your mercy and your grace. Father we all are guilty and we deserve to die. I pray that we may find our refuge in you.Thank you in Jesus name we pray amen.


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