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Sabbath School Lesson - Cities of Refuge

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Cities of Refuge

Cities of Refuge

Posted: 22 Dec 2009 08:19 AM PST

Read Numbers 35:6, 9–12. What is being established here and why?

   According to this passage the cities of refuge were cites which were
   given to the Levities. The Levites were given forty eight cities
   but six were to be set aside for a specific purpose. The purpose
   of these six cities was a safe haven for anyone who had killed
   someone unintentionally.
   These six cities of refuge were where these supposed criminals could flee
   to. Here these persons were safe from any person who may want to take
   their life of account of their blood guiltiness. The person here safely
   waited until a proper trial could be conducted.
Read Numbers 35:9–21. How do we understand this form of justice in light of the gospel?
   I believe this is exactly what the law requires that a person be
   punished for the crime they committed. And today if you kill
   a person you will be punished. Today we can not take the life
   of another in retaliation and not suffer the same punishment.
   What Jesus teaches us is that we must not render evil for evil
   and that vengeance ultimately belongs to Him. Today we can no
   longer avenge the murder of a relative because our government is no
   longer theocratic (controlled directly by God)this responsibility
   is left to our judicial system.
Suppose you know someone whose family member has been murdered, and the accused, unquestionably guilty, is convicted. The family, who are Christians, can have a say in the sentence, either death or life in prison. What would you advise them and why? Bring your answer to class on Sabbath.
   To be honest I would not really have any words for them. If they
   directly asked me I would leave it up to them. I would possibly present
   the options. But I will refuse to play the role of someones conscience.
   I know what we are supposed to do , I know what I am supposed say.
   In the reality of the emotions pain and hurt, I will have to defer
   this one to Jesus.
Prayer: Father there are those who have caused us the deepest pain that we can imagine. Father I pray that you will release us from this hurt. Help us to forgive as you have forgiven us. Heal us oh God from our pain,teach us to love despite. Thank you Father in Jesus name amen.


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