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Sabbath School Lesson - Christ, Our Refuge

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson - Christ, Our Refuge

Christ, Our Refuge

Posted: 24 Dec 2009 10:38 AM PST

How does 2 Samuel 22:3 reflect, at least somewhat, what the cities of refuge provided?
   This passage talks about how God is our refuge. David was speaking
   on the occasion that the Lord delivered him from the hands
   of his enemies.
   For David God being his refuge means the one who protects him from
   violence that may have been inflicted upon him. In the same way
   the cities of refuge protected an individual from violence. The
   city of refuge kept a person safe so their case could be properly
In what ways do we find the same kind of refuge and protection in Christ that those who fled to the cities of refuge found? See John 8:10, 11; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14; Heb. 6:18.

John 8:10, 11
   In this passage we see the woman who was caught in adultery.According
   to the law she was supposed to be stoned to death. Because of the
   presence of Jesus she was granted protection. Jesus did not
   condemn but commanded her to go and sin no more.
Eph. 1:7,Col 1:14
   This passage talks about the redemption that we have through the blood
   of Christ. His blood also provides us forgiveness of our trespasses.
   The cities of refuge provided redemption and forgiveness as long
   as your remained in them.
Heb. 6:18.
   This passage talks about how we have taken refuge in God. In the
   same way that the cities of refuge provided protection Christ also
   provides us protection. We can be safe when we are in Christ.
Do you feel that you are not good enough to be saved? Do you feel that your sins are too great for you to be accepted by God? Do you feel that you are unworthy of forgiveness? If so, then why is it important to forget about how you feel and claim the promises of forgiveness, salvation, and acceptance offered to you by Jesus?
   Because Christ is our refuge, in Him we have everything we need.
Prayer: Thank you Father for the refuge that we have in you. Help us to run
to you ,help us to abide with you. Thank you for your grace and mercy.
In Jesus name amen.


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