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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Rebellion (Again)

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 06:18 AM PST

Read Numbers 16:1–3. Read carefully the rebels' words to Moses. What four lies are found there?
   Lie 1: You take too much on you
   The reality was that the work was not given only to Moses and Aaron
   but all the Levites were responsible for the duties of the tabernacle
   In addition to this by the counsel of Moses father in law Moses set
   up individuals to judge lesser matters while the handled the grater
   Lie 2 All the congregation is holy
   This appears to be saying that all are Levites and all can
   do the work of the tabernacle He possibly wanted to use this
   to make a case to institute the leaders which he selected from
   from the congregation.
   The reality is that only the Levites were set aside to do
   the work of the tabernacle.
   Lie 3 The Lord is in the midst of everyone
   It is true that the Lord is in the mist of the congregation. But
   this does not mean that all are with Him. This does not mean that
   He approves of what the are currently plotting.
   Lie 4 They lifted themselves up about the congregation.
   Moses and Aaron are not the ones who exalted themselves but it is
   God who placed him in that position. Moses had an intimate
   relationship with God which no one else had.
What else was behind their rebellion? Why, too, were these charges so utterly false?
Num. 16:12–14.

   We can clearly see in this passage that they were missing Egypt.
   The were calling Moses a liar because they had not reached the
   promised land. The reality is that they were not there yet
   because of their sin and unbelief. Moses was not the one
   responsible for them not being in the promised land.
What are ways in which we deceive ourselves, ways in which we rationalize or justify our sins and wrong deeds? How can we protect ourselves against this sad and dangerous spiritual trap?
   We put ourselves in a spiritual trap when we are not obedient to
   what God has already revealed. When we refuse to be obedient we
   open ourselves to the deceptions of the enemy.
   God will protect us from these deceptions by virtue of our desire
   to serve and follow Him completely.
Prayer: Father we confess that sometimes we have acted in rebellion. Father purge this from us remove it far from us. Help us to live in total obedience and surrender to you. Thank you Father in Jesus name amen.


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