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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Further Study

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 01:21 AM PST

Go through the Ellen G. White quote above. What is she saying? What important principles can we take from it? How do you understand the idea that our praise to God, along with a "Christlike life," can be a powerful influence on the salvation of others?
   As I read the passage the phrase that I found most striking is
   "The testimony of our own experience." She says that our testimony
   will be what is most effectual in revealing Christ to the world.
   Our personal testimonies to the faithfulness of God are not abstract
   textbook concepts but factual occurrences. These real life stories
   present evidence of the goodness and faithfulness of God.
   Sometimes our praise to God is not congruent with the way that we
   live. When our praise is not congruent to the way that we live then
   it makes our testimony ineffective.
   On the contrary when we praise God and it is accompanied with a
   Christ-like life then we witness effectively for Christ. The
   more closely our lives are with Christs the more potent our
   praises will be.
What has your own experience of giving praise and glory to God done for you in your walk with the Lord? Why is this attitude so important?
   The scriptures declare psams 22:3 "You are holy, O you who are
   enthroned upon the praises of Israel." If our mind could be
   transported to heaven we would see God's throne encircled by
   beings which do nothing but praise him day and night.
   When we contemplate this reality it is no wonder that God
   draws neigh to those who praise Him. When we praise God
   it opens up a channel to heaven. Through this channel God
   is able to pour His heavenly blessings into us.
Dwell more on Monday's lesson about how the Israelites were to treat the strangers among them. What other lessons can we take from this for ourselves today? How do we treat those who are not of our faith, those who hold views that we believe to be wrong? How should we treat them? At the same time, how do we show them that we believe we have something that they need to know, while not acting as if we are somehow superior? What lessons can we learn from the Israelites in this area?
   I believe that Christ provides the perfect example for us when it
   comes to this question. The answer that Christ gives us is in the
   way that He lives His life.
   It is very difficult to think through all the nuances that exist
   in spirituality and Christianity. The safest thing to do is to
   Just follow Jesus and the example that He has given us in
   the scriptures.
   The way that we show them that we have something that they
   need to know is to fully live out what we know. We must be
   living testimonies to the truth that we want to deliver to
What can we, as a community, do to help remind each other not only of what God has done for us but of what He expects us to do in response? What role does the Lord's Supper have in helping us remember what we have in Jesus?
   I believe that in this question the author is proposing an answer
   to the question. I believe that the Lord's supper is a very Good
   way to remember what God has done for us. Also the way we live
   our lives helps us to remember what God has done for us.
   As Christ dedicates His all for our salvation we give honor to
   him by giving our all in service to him. The celebration of
   communion brings a community together in remembrance to what
   Christ has done for us.
   As Christians we must be Christ incarnate. We must be the Jesus
   that walks on an talks and exists in the lives of others in a
   tangible way.
Prayer: Father we thank you for all that we have learned this week. I pray that these truths may be lived out in all of our lives. Bless us as we prepare for your Sabbath. Thank your in Jesus name amen.


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