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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Tassels of Blue

Posted: 05 Nov 2009 04:18 AM PST

What did the Lord direct Moses to instruct every Israelite to attach to their garments? Num. 15:38
   They were instructed that they should put tassels on their garments.
What reason was given for wearing tassels? That is, what specific things did God want the Israelites to remember? Num. 15:39–41.
   The tassels were to help them to remember to follow God and not
   after their own hearts. The tassels were also there to help them
   remember that it was God that delivered them from Egypt.
How could following Jesus' words to "pray always" (Luke 21:36) help you remember what God has done for you and what He asks you to do in return?
   To pray always is to keep God before you , and to keep His
   requirements upon your mind. The mind that is engaged in prayer
   is being engaged by the mind of God.
   When we have conversations with God it helps us to become more and
   more like Him. Also we when we pray we come to know God better
   and because of that we want to please Him in all we do.
Prayer: Father help us to remember what you have done for us. Please continue to reveal yourself to us and may we be changed by that revelation. In Jesus name amen.

Sins of Defiance

Posted: 05 Nov 2009 03:52 AM PST

Read Numbers 15:30, 31. What's happening here and what lessons can we draw from it for ourselves? Why does the punishment seem so harsh? Where is grace in all this?
   Defiance is an open disregard for Authority. This is a person
   who breaks the the law and does not care the least bit. A person
   who is in open defiance to God has attempted to take the place
   of God.
   The person in defiance to God does not care what God wants but
   chooses their own desire regardless. This individual is guilty
   of breaking all of the commandments of God and , they also
   are harmful to the community of God.
Read Numbers 15:32–36. Why do you think the Lord had the whole congregation take part in this execution? What spiritual lesson can we draw from this?
   This person was in open rebellion to the command of God.
   Because of his open rebellion this man received an open
   punishment. Also this was something this act would allow
   the people to seriousness of sin and cause a reverence and fear
   to fall upon them.
How ready and willing are you to repent, confess, and admit your sins? Or, on the other hand, how often do you find yourself justifying your sins for one reason or another? Why is that so spiritually dangerous?
   We must continue to pray always and ask God for help with
   these matters. We must seek God and ask Him continually
   for the help that we need.No matter how weak we feel we
   must pray.

: Father please break the chains of defiance to your will in our lives. Help us to surrender to you in all that we do. Please remove sin far from us. Thank you Father in Jesus name amen.


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