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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

The Stranger Within Your Gates

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 04:20 AM PST

What specific commands were given to the second generation of Israelites as they looked forward to settling in Canaan? Num. 15:14–16. How is this same principle revealed in the New Testament? Gal. 3:26–29; Col. 3:11.

   In this passage we see the way that the strangers within the
   gates of Israel were to be treated. The alien who was within
   their gates were granted the same privilege to offer sacrifices.
   Another thing that we can see it that the aliens were also
   to abide under the same statutes as the Israelites. Even though
   they were strangers they were still obligated to be governed by
   the same rules as the Isrealites.
   This is manifested in the New Testament by the unity illustrated
   in the christian community. When we enter into a relationship
   with Christ we come into His community. And in the community
   of Christ there are no distinctions between individuals.
In the dedicatory prayer at the opening of the first temple, what request did Solomon make of God in regard to non-Israelites? 1 Kings 8:41–43. What does Isaiah have to say about the strangers who sought to worship at the temple? Isa. 56:6, 7.
   When Solomon is dedicating the first temple. He does not want to
   leave out the foreigners. He does not want to omit them from the
   plan of God. Solomon want's a blessing for all those who seek
   to turn their face to God in prayer.
   In Solomon's prayer He includes that even when a stranger comes
   for the sake of the Lords name their prayers should be heard.
   In the book of Isiah we find that the temple of the Lord is
   supposed to be a place of prayer for all people.
   Gods house is not an exclusive country club for a specific
   class of people. When it comes to the house of God there is
   no discrimination and no differentiation between people.
   God wanted to make His temple accessible to all people.
In what ways is it so easy to be exclusive, judgmental, and condemnatory of those who don't see things as we do? How can we avoid that attitude, and yet at the same time, protect the truths we have been given?
   The thing that we have to remember is that it is by the
   mercy of God that we are not consumed. We must understand
   that the law of life is the law of love. In God's plan for
   salvation He leaves no room for hatred and condemnation.
   It is not our responsibility to protect truth. We do not
   have the ability to protect truth. We must be vessels of
   truth we must live out truth. We must proclaim truth,
   when we are actuated by the truth in our own lives it
   becomes it's own protector.
Prayer: Father forgive us for the way we have treated the strangers in
our land. Father open up our hearts with compassion for all people. Teach us
to love as you have loved. Thank you in Jesus name amen.


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