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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Pressures on Leadership

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:11 AM PDT

Later , when Moses heard and saw the people "weeping" at the door of their tents and crying out, "Who shall give us flesh to eat?" (Num. 11:4), how did he react? Why was his attitude unjustified? Where do we see the flawed humanity of this great man of God coming through? Vss. 10-15.

   Moses felt the pressure of all the people and he wondered why
   God had given him such a responsibility. Moses actually wished
   that he were dead in order that he would not have to deal
   with the people.
   Moses reacted the way many of us would have reacted in a
   similar situation. We cant really point a finger , but we
   must understand that God was the one who was in control.
   Moses was being honest with God ,but he forgot that this
   was the same God that delivered them for Egypt.
Read Numbers 11:21-23. How again does the humanity of Moses come through?
   Her again we see that Moses has forgotten that God is the
   one that supplies their every needs. Moses could not see
   how God was going to provide for all those people and He
   in return doubted God's power.
   God addressed Moses on the grounds of His doubt in God's
   ability to provide for them. Truthfully based on the
   previous evidence experiences with God Moses concerns
   were dubious.
Read carefully Numbers 11:20. They had "rejected the Lord, who is among you" (NIV). Rejecting the Lord, then, doesn't mean outright apostasy, or denial of God's existence, or taking one's name off the church books. What can we learn from this incident about how easy it is to deceive ourselves regarding our relationship to God?
   We reject God when we despise the way that He provides for
   us. We reject God when we reject His gifts. When we decide to
   take our lives into our own hands , because we don't
   like the way God is doing it we reject him. Gods is very
   merciful and gracious toward us. It is by his mercies that
   we are not consumed.
Prayer: Father help us to trust you. When we face the pressures of life may we remember the way you have helped us in the past. Father you are faithful help us to keep this reality before us. Thank you , in Jesus name amen.


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