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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Heading Home?

Posted: 22 Oct 2009 02:32 AM PDT

Read the account in Numbers 10:11-36 of the Israelites' first journey as God's organized, covenant people. What's the one thing that stands out regarding the manner in which they moved? Why would that be so important?
   From this passage we understand that God is a God of order. The way
   He moves His people from place to place is with symmetry and precision.
   The first thing that happens is that the cloud of Gods presence is
   lifted from over the tabernacle of the testimony.
   Following this the tribes move out according to a specific order
   and headed by a leader. They took the ark of the covenant before them
   as they moved through the wilderness.
   There were so many people to move from one place to another place
   that it would have been impossible to accomplish that task without
   It is important to know that that Lord has gone before in any
   decision or choice that we make. We also must move forward
   with purposeful planning and organization.
Read Numbers 10:35, 36. How could you apply the principles there today in your struggles and battles in the faith? Also, ask yourself this question: Why didn't God, using His awesome power, just automatically make the way clear and easy for them? Couldn't He just have done that? If so, why didn't He just do it for them instead of putting them through such a severe trial? How can your answer here, perhaps, help you understand why He simply doesn't make your paths and journey simple and obstacle-free? Bring your answer to class on Sabbath
   In order to travel any path no matter what lies ahead we must move
   with the presence of God. To dwell in the secret place of the most
   high is the key to being victorious in life's battles.
   Sometimes the journey is what we need in order to prepare us for the
   destination. The trials that we experience along our journey are
   what enable us to be prepared for our destination.
   That which draws us out to prayer, and causes us to call upon the
   name of the Lord is a blessing for our salvation. The difficulties
   that we experience along the journey are the blessings that help
   us make it to the destination.
Prayer: Father in heaven please go before us! May our feet not take any steps which are not consecrated by your presence. Oh God go before us and we will follow. Lead us through this life's wilderness. Thank you Father. In Jesus name amen.


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