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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

"Be to Us Eyes"

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 05:02 AM PDT

What request did Moses make of Hobab, Jethro's son? What was his response? Num. 10:29-32.
   As we read this passage we find that there is a conversation
   between Moses and Hobab. Moses is about to set out on his
   journey to the promised land and he requests Hobab to come
   with him. Hobab refuses Moses request, and Moses insists
   because of the skill that Hobab has and he can be their
   I can gather that Hobab had and understanding of where the
   Israelites should camp. Where Moses could not see this he
   wanted the eyes of Hobab to be their eyes in order to see where
   they should camp.

Read Matthew 26:36-43. What does this tell us about Jesus in His humanity?
   We see in these scenes that Jesus' humanity did not want to go through
   the pain of the cross. His humanity was requesting of the Father to
   make another way if possible. Jesus also requested the help of
   His disciples in His time of need.
Though we are to lean on the Lord, how often we find human sympathy so comforting and helpful. Go over times when you especially have been blessed by someone who gave you comfort and sympathy in time of need. What made it so helpful? How might you now provide comfort and encouragement to someone in need
   God always opens up opportunities for us to minister to the needs
   of others. As we listen for these opportunities we can be a tremendous
   blessing. And often we are the ones blessed the most by these encounters.
Prayer: Father help us to comfort others, and please comfort us in our time of need. Thank you Father in Jesus name amen.


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