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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Important Themes in 1 John

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 02:57 AM PDT

In 1 John, though the word church itself does not appear, the concept does. What imagery is found in the book that better helps us understand what the church should be all about?

   1 John 2:9-11
   In this passage we are to understand that we must be loving to each
   other. It is impossible for us to say that we are the body of Christ
   when we do not posses love for God's children. The bible states that
   are are the light of the world, but if we hate our brothers we abide
   in darkness.
   1 John 2:13, 14
   This is a good picture of the leadership in the Church. This passage
   is directed to the old men , and the young men. The old men must be
   established in the faith as well as the young men should be living
   the victorious life.
   1 John 2:12, 18
   Here we understand the our sins are forgive by the the blood of Jesus
   Christ! This is all done for His names sake , for the purpose of God
   receiving the glory.
   We also ought to understand the times that we are living and understand
   that we must walk soberly. The church must understand where it is in
   the prophetic stream of time.
   1 John 3:1
   We have the awesome privilege to be called the children of God. As
   a body of believers we all are the children of God. Our identity as the
   children of God helps us to be distinct from the world because of our
   relationship with the Father.
"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God" (1 John 4:7). How does this text reflect the key to
what it means to be part of God's church?

   When we understand that God is love we must understand that this is
   the essential binding agent of the church of God. We are brought
   together by our love for God and our love for one another. There
   in no possible way to say that we love God when we do not possess a
   love for each other.
How would you describe your relationship to the church family? Are you a wayward child? Domineering father? Loving mother? Helpless babe? What changes do you need to make in order to be a more productive part of this special family?
   I believe that my relationship with the family of God can be
   better. I believe that we all need to be intentional about the needs
   of others and loving each other. I believe that the church should
   be literally a community and family I pray that good will bless us all
   to that end.
Prayer: Father in heaven, thank you for you love which you have lavishly poured
upon us. I pray Father that you will help us to love each other as you would
have us to. Father please penetrate the darkness of our lives ,and shine in our
hearts so that we may shine forth to one another and the world.


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