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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

The Jesus in Whom We Believe

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 04:49 AM PDT

In what ways are we to experience the reality of water and blood in our own lives? In other words, what did your baptism mean to you? What does it say about you, and what changes have come in your life? The same with blood: What does the concept of shed blood mean, at least in terms of being a Christian? See Matt. 16:24, 25; Heb. 12:4.

   Matt. 16:24, 25;
   When I think of this passage in terms of water I understand that
   Jesus left for us a perfect example in His life. As Jesus was
   baptized we too must be baptized. And even as Jesus had to
   carry His cross we too must carry our cross.
   We must understand that it is impossible to follow after Christ
   and to follow after our flesh. We must take up the cross
   that Christ has given to us an follow the path of self denial
   and obedience.

   Heb. 12:4.
   This passage is powerful for me because it lets me know that
   things are not that bad. When we think of our struggle against
   sin we have to understand that we have not yet resisted to the
   point where we are killed for it. No matter how difficult things
   may get we will never suffer to the extent which Christ did.
Prayer: Father Thank you for Jesus. Help us to understand who He is more
completely. In Jesus name I pray amen

Believing in Jesus and Victory

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 04:32 AM PDT

In the following texts, John is talking about conquering and overcoming. What can we learn about these promises from the following texts?
   As I read these gracious word of Jesus my heart is thrilled
   with the power that is in the precious promise. Jesus wants
   us to have peace and this passage directly states where how
   He intends to give us this peace.
   The word has tribulation, or the word has problems, situations
   and circumstances which will threaten to take away our peace.
   But Jesus tells that he has overcome the world, and we to
   can overcome by being in Christ.
   In Christ we can have a peace , and a solidarity in our faith
   which can not be shaken. Because Christ has overcome the world
   all power is available to us in heaven and earth to through
   Jesus Christ. This encourages me to know that in Jesus I
   too can overcome the world.
   1 John 4:4
   This is another powerful passage. This passage is talking about
   testing the spirits. It is also talking about how to identify
   false prophets and the anti Christ. So when John says that
   you have over come them , it is a reference to all those who
   operate in a spirit contrary to the Holy Spirit.
   John states that we have overcome them, and the reason for this
   is that the He who is in us is greater than he who is in the
   word. The he who is in us is capitalized in the bible but the
   he who is in the word is lowercase. Glory to God!
   Rev. 2:7, 11; 3:5, 21
   This passage talks about the reward that is available to those
   who overcome. God has many wonderful things in store for the
   overcomers. The most beautiful thing is that because he
   overcame we too can stand in that victory.
   Rev. 12:11
   This passage give a clear declination of how the people of
   God were able to overcome. The overcoming power is found in
   a two components the blood of the lamb , and the word of
   their testimony. The blood of the lamb contains power to
   cleanse us from all sin. The word of our testimony reveals
   that power at work in our personal lives.
In what areas of your life have you experienced the promise of victory and overcoming? In what areas have you fallen short, and why? How can you have the victory that is promised you? What is holding you back?
   The main thing that we have to do is trust in Jesus He is
   our only help. This idea sound so simple but many don't get it.
   All of our victory come from standing in the righteousness that
   Christ offers by faith.

Prayer: Father thank you that you have offered us overcoming power through
Jesus Christ. I pray that we may accept the power that you have offered to
us.I Jesus name I pray amen.


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