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Sabbath School Lesson

Posted by Paradise Valley Adventist Video Ministries

Sabbath School Lesson

Further Study

Posted: 21 Aug 2009 05:14 AM PDT

We tend to think of all the admonitions to love as a personal issue, one between God and ourselves. And though that is true, it certainly isn't limited to just us as individuals, is it? That is, what can your local church do, as a church body, to show love in ways that you as an individual can't? How well is your local church revealing the love of God to the community? What can you do to help it along in this important area?

   As we have learned this week we must understand that the quality and the
   authenticity of our Christianity is measured by the extent of our love.
   This love is not only seen in love toward God, but in love toward man.
   The type of love that can be seen in the local church that I am unable
   to show is a community type of love. By this I mean that the church
   can provide love in a community atmosphere that I can not do as an

   I will not speak on how well my local church is doing , but I will
   say what I believe that church can do for the community. We as humans
   have some basic needs. When you meet peoples needs it is an
   opportunity to show and reveal to them the love of God. We need help
   so that God will enlarge our hearts with compassion to love His
   people in the ways that we should.

In class, talk about various individuals who have displayed the kind of love talked about this week. What did they do? What kind of self-sacrifice was involved? What did their actions have in common that can help us better understand what true love is?

   I believe that greatest person what we can look at for self sacrificing
   love is Jesus. Jesus showed us the way to love , and He gave us a
   perfect example , and then He empowered us to do the same. True love
   can be seen in a life which is other centered and not centered on self.
   As we live for the good of others God ennobles to be more like Jesus.
   He have a great example and He teaches the way we should love.

The Bible says that love is from God. Why must that be so? Think about it-where else could love come from? It's hard to imagine how pure matter and energy alone, the stuff of physics and atoms, could ever of itself create something like love. How does the reality of love help us better understand the reality of God? How does our expression of love reveal to others the existence of God? In what ways might the manifestation of love be the best evidence yet for God's existence?

   The reality of love helps us to understand the reality of God because
   it brings out qualities not natural to the human nature. We are not
   naturally self-sacrificing but love will enable us to do so. How is
   it that a person can forgive when they are hurt , when their family
   members are hurt by an individual, it's God's love.
   The greatest proof that we can give that God is real is to make Him
   real in our own lives. As Christians live lives which manifest the
   love of God this will give evidence of His existence.

Prayer: Father thank you for the love that you have manifested to us. Father please help us to love the way that you have loved. Thank you in Jesus name I pray amen.


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